Friday, February 22, 2008

E-learning 2

I forgot to write the entry for the second lesson! So let me do this now. We discussed different types of tools you can use for building eLearning. Having done some research for my research paper for last semester and starting to work on creation of eLearning within the company I work for I have a slight idea of the different tools you can use, though there are so many more that I do not know about.

Tools we use in the company are Adobe Captivate, ppt (to some extent), Macromedia breeze and we are going to use the tool 'Smartbuilder' which is great for interactive sessions. I would like to broaden my mind on what other tools that are available and for what different meanings you would use this.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

E-Learning - Review Lesson 1

We had our first eLearning lesson last week and it was very interesting. I've always been interested in eLearning, working in a company that is driven by internet applications.

We studies the course outlined of what we are going to discuss over the next weeks and it looks really interesting. I expect to learn about issues I did not realize were part of eLearning before, or see for what other reasons it can be used then just teaching staff within a company.

To me eLearning is an interactive learning module for which learning objectives are set before the creation process. eLearning happens through digital devices, a computer or maybe even a mobile phone. Some elements within an eLearning module can be sound, video, simulations.

Some interesting eLearning activities and possibilities are use of interactive tests and games. By engaging the user within the learning as much as possible will create a better learning experience.

What I learnt in the lesson is that it's not just computer or internet that are elearning, but they are tools. I'm comfident that along the way I will learn more about software and other tools that can be used to create eLearning.