Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Research research

So continuing on this research for e-learning, I still haven't found the 'perfect' question that would lead to a good research paper and potentially a beginning to a project.

I've been searching for some information online on e-learning and other researches that have been done to give me an idea. I will continue on, until I've found the 'perfect' question. I may even combine it with some other course module information. Eg... how is design important for a good quality e-learning module.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

E-learning research

After last weeks discussion I've had a bit more thought about how I can do my research paper on e-learning. As I have both possibility to interview people that take the training, as well as people that create these and investigate new opportunities in e-learning, I can view this subject from different angels.

The basis of the research could be around e-learning as a product and what types of different e-learning methods there are. I then can go into what sort if e-learning is in use right now, and what other methods are being explored. Usability for both creation and participation can be explored further as well.

As you see, lots of different things on which I could focus on. As I also have to keep in mind the confidentiality of more detailed research I will have to choose research questions that will not limit my research options.

Right now my thoughts are around:
- what methods are there
- which are in use
- how is the usability for both creation and participation
- and how do people feel they learn from using these methods.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Design inspiration

If I ever need inspiration to do something, I visit It's a great site with different styles of art by people all over the world. You can join and put up your own art if you want, or just browse around.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Internet Authoring

One of the sites that I really like for tutorials on HTML and more coding is:

It gives you good examples and is easy to understand.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Research: other topics

Another topic that came to mind while sitting in last weeks class was the use of television as an informative medium.

  • How has this medium changed over the last few years and what is the value of it nowadays;
  • And where are we going to go with it?
  • what does this mean for the digital media such as the internet?
  • is this a place for entertainment or can we trust the information we find?

These are some of the questions that popped in my head.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What topics to research on

I have interest in different areas to do research on. It could be in 'design' or 'e-learning'.

If I would like to apply it to work as well and actually be able to build upon this, maybe not in my study, but actually in practise and work I would probably be thinking more towards doing research on 'elearning'.

Some questions that would be interesting to ask:
General questions:
- why do people go from face to face training to elearnin
- what are the benefits of elearning and is it a smart move

More specific in regards to my work:
- how do people in a work environment deal with elearning
- how can you use elearning to teach an every changing product that is very subjective and hard to understand
- what type of different methods or elearning are there and how do they differ and have a different impact on the user
- how can you make sure that elearning has its full impact since you have no interactive questioning.