Wednesday, October 24, 2007

E-learning research

After last weeks discussion I've had a bit more thought about how I can do my research paper on e-learning. As I have both possibility to interview people that take the training, as well as people that create these and investigate new opportunities in e-learning, I can view this subject from different angels.

The basis of the research could be around e-learning as a product and what types of different e-learning methods there are. I then can go into what sort if e-learning is in use right now, and what other methods are being explored. Usability for both creation and participation can be explored further as well.

As you see, lots of different things on which I could focus on. As I also have to keep in mind the confidentiality of more detailed research I will have to choose research questions that will not limit my research options.

Right now my thoughts are around:
- what methods are there
- which are in use
- how is the usability for both creation and participation
- and how do people feel they learn from using these methods.